Proper Court Attire is recommended.
The statement, I’m an individual and this is America, followed by, no one has the right to tell me how to dress works great if you want to wear a clown outfit to a football game and cheer for your team, but this free thinking doesn’t play out so well in the real world.
People judge each other everyday for everything.
“People like that shouldn’t have a driver’s license”.
“I will never come back here. This place is run by idiots”.
“People shouldn’t bring animals to the beach”.
“She needs to be in church”.
“All bail bondsman in Houston Texas are a bunch of “you get the picture”, the list literally goes on forever.
By all means be an individual and shop for the clothing that represents you, the clothing industry spends an enormous amount of money placing their products on models and celebrities then place them on the racks for retail so that you can be one of a kind, and it would be devastating for them to find out that no one cares.
If you are going into a court room however, and you are there for the purpose of defending yourself against a criminal accusation it might be a good idea to remember that people judge each other everyday for everything and proper court attire is recommended.
If you want to stand in front of a judge wearing jeans and a black T-shirt, and the offense report states that the perpetrator of the alleged crime was wearing jeans and a black T-shirt then why not have a couple of friends standing in the background with a big “D” and a picture of a picket fence.
If you do not own a shirt and tie then go out and get them. In truth a suit and tie would be even better. If you can’t afford these things it is absolutely amazing how many are hanging on the rack at the resale shops. Another observation by those who are in fact paying close attention to how you are dressed is your shoes. Crazy as it may sound you will not find an attorney or any other court staff wearing tennis shoes, mud boots, or any other form of footwear that you can’t put a shine on.
The fit is just as important, if you are dressing for the occasion and not appealing to your own individuality then make sure the sleeves don’t cover up your hands, pretend you are going to a costume party dressed as a lawyer.
I ask that my readers to please understand that I am not trying to be smart or “judge” people by how they dress. I wear overalls because I’m old and comfort means more to me than anything else, but I do not wear them to court.
Furthermore, this is our blog so I think its pretty cool that I get to portray to whoever cares to read my drivel my own individual opinion on subjects like multi-billion dollar industries that control every aspect of how we look so that the money can keep rolling in.
I’m certainly not the brightest flashlight in the box or a wordsmith, so I’m fairly certain a number of readers will be judging me by my poor attempt at writing anything.
To all of those who care about the seriousness of being accused of a crime and care about making certain you are judged for the accusation against you and not your appearance I say go shopping and happy hunting and remember proper court attire is recommended.